Dr. M. Prabhakar
M.S., DNB (Uro)
Urology & Renal Transplantation
Department of urology

Dr. M.S. Sakthivel
M.S, M.Ch (Urology)
Consultant Urologist
Department of urology

Dr. P. Naveenkumar
MD, (Int.Med), MRCP, D.DIAB
General Medicine & Nephrologist
Department of nephrology

Dr. P. Shrijja
M.D., D.M.,
Nephrolgy & Renal Transplantation
Department of nephrology

Dr. Siva Senthil Kumar T
M.D., (Anaest), FICCM
Anaesthesia & Critical Care
Department of anaesthesia

Dr. N. Sundaravadivel
M.B.B.S., D.A.,
Anaesthesia & Critical Care
Department of anaesthesia